I finally decided to write a blog!

Hi guys I’m Rina and yep you guessed it I finally decided to take the plunge and start a blog! eek I’m so excited! I’m kinda nervous though at the same time I mean there’s so many decent blogs out there but hey ho! I can talk for England and I have nothing to lose life is for living right!

I love reading obviously it’s one of my favourite things to do, but my friends and family are mainly Non readers (how strange!) So don’t hold the enthusiasm for books and reading that I do.

I’m forever talking about books over on my Instagram page, and Twitter, and goodreads you get the idea I’m sure!? So this seemed a natural step for me to take!

I love meeting new people and talking about all things bookish so please come and say hi!

If you made it this far I salute you thank you for reading my very first blog post! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Published by rinasbookishblog

Hi I'm Rina a 32 year old full time working Mum from London. I'm an avid bookworm and you will never find me without a book! I love all genres and hope to share my love of everything bookish far and wide ๐Ÿ˜Š

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